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Asbestos Register

By 17 September, 2014July 31st, 2024No Comments

If you are in management or control of a workplace, then you must keep an asbestos register – a document that lists all identified or assumed asbestos in a workplace. If asbestos has been identified and you do not have a register, then penalties of up to $18,000 may apply.1 The register should be reviewed at least once every five years to ensure it is kept up-to-date and a copy of the asbestos register should be kept at the workplace to ensure it is accessible. You are ultimately responsible for the management of asbestos and asbestos associated risks on behalf of anyone who carries out work or visits a site that you manage.2 Even greater fines apply to failures of these statutory requirements.  Protect yourself from heavy penalties by being aware of the new laws and seeking advice.  Contact Vincent Young on (02) 9261 5900.

Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (NSW) s 425(1)

2 Ibid s 419