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Seeking Payment Upstream from the Principal BuildingConstructionContractsDevelopmentProjectsSecurity of Payments
20 June, 2024

Seeking Payment Upstream from the Principal

After lodging a payment withholding request under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) (SOPA) on a principal, a subcontractor may utilise the Contractors Debt Act 1997 (NSW) (CDA) to seek payment directly from the principal instead of the respondent/contractor. This alternative means of seeking payment…
TOD and LMR Programs – Developers must engage DevelopmentProjectsProperty
17 May, 2024

TOD and LMR Programs – Developers must engage

Department and Developer Led Housing Increase The Transported Oriented Development (TOD) Program and the Low and Mid-Rise Housing (LMR) Program (together Programs) are opening up opportunities for increased development in targeted areas and regions of NSW. The Programs are initiatives not just to increase housing development to address the current…
Proposed New Tax Breaks for BTR Investment and Development ProjectsProperty
10 April, 2024

Proposed New Tax Breaks for BTR Investment and Development

The Federal Government has this week released draft legislation aimed at stimulating investment and development within the build-to-rent sector, aligning with its ambitious objective to construct 1.2 million new residences by 2029. This legislation, proposed to amend the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, 1997 and 1953, seeks to introduce tax incentives…
Always Presume Design Liability BuildingConstructionContractsDevelopmentProjects
7 September, 2023

Always Presume Design Liability

New trends increasing a contractor’s liability – AS4902 Last year we published an article explaining a recent trend concerning the imposition of design liability on contractors through buildability clauses in construct only contracts. In this article we examine another trend concerning increased design liability exposure to contractors’ in design &…
NSW Government Announces Dramatic Planning Re-structure BuildingConstructionDevelopmentProjectsProperty
23 August, 2023

NSW Government Announces Dramatic Planning Re-structure

On Friday 18 August 2023, New South Wales Premier, Chris Minns, unveiled a drastic new portfolio re-structure aimed at tackling energy challenges, climate change, environmental preservation and housing concerns. From 1 January 2024, the Department of Planning and Environment will undergo a strategic division into two new specialised Departments: the…