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A bumpy ride: Deliveroo rider found to be a contractor, not an employee EmploymentHRLaw
1 September, 2022

A bumpy ride: Deliveroo rider found to be a contractor, not an employee

The Fair Work Commission Full Bench (FWCFB) has quashed a finding that a rider of Deliveroo, Mr Franco, was an employee rather than an independent contractor. Therefore, Mr Franco is not protected from unfair dismissal. This decision comes after the High Court affirmed earlier this year in Personnel Contracting and…
Key HR changes from 1 July 2022 EmploymentHRLaw
8 August, 2022

Key HR changes from 1 July 2022

The Vincent Young Employment + Workplace Relations team has updated its Employment + Workplace Relations Guide to reflect the changes for the 2022-2023 financial year. Download your copy today.   National Minimum Wage Each financial year, the Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) Expert Panel for wage reviews undertakes its annual wage…
You’re dismissed…or maybe not: when a demotion may not amount to a dismissal EmploymentHRLaw
18 April, 2022

You’re dismissed…or maybe not: when a demotion may not amount to a dismissal

In a recent decision, the Fair Work Commission Full Bench (FWCFB), in considering the meaning of “dismissal” under section 386 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act), has found that a 10% salary reduction did not amount to a dismissal. Following an investigation into allegations of misconduct, NSW…
I can manage myself – A lesson in bullying and performance management EmploymentHR
25 January, 2022

I can manage myself – A lesson in bullying and performance management

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has rejected an employee’s application for anti-bullying orders, after finding the employee had, on occasions, been “blatantly misogynistic”. The employee, who began reporting to his female supervisor last year, was put on a performance improvement plan (PIP) by the supervisor, following concerns about his performance,…
Webinar: Dealing with absent employees in the workplace EmploymentLaw
20 October, 2021

Webinar: Dealing with absent employees in the workplace

In this recent webinar, Erin Lynch, Employment Partner, discussed how to manage absent employees, best practice in dealing with unfit employees and potential legal risks. Erin addressed the following topics: Absent employees; Employees unfit for work; Making reasonable accommodations and adjustments; Independent medical examination; Termination of employment; Legal risks; and…
Webinar: A Roadmap for Respect – The Key Legislative Change and the Respect@Work Report EmploymentHRLaw
23 September, 2021

Webinar: A Roadmap for Respect – The Key Legislative Change and the Respect@Work Report

Erin Lynch, Employment Partner at Vincent Young Lawyers recently presented a webinar on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Erin, covered the following topics: The definition of sexual harassment. Statistics. Key recommendations for employers. Legislative changes including the Fair Work Act and Sex Discrimination Act. The impact for employers and the…
What’s your age again? The AHRC has released a report on ageism in Australia EmploymentHRLaw
23 September, 2021

What’s your age again? The AHRC has released a report on ageism in Australia

Discrimination takes many forms. When we think about “age discrimination”, discrimination against "older" workers is generally the first thing that comes to our mind. However, the reality is that young people are also subject to this type of discrimination. In the workplace, older and younger workers experience ageism and discrimination…