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The law is complex and ever changing. Small amendments to legislation can have serious impact throughout the industry and broader economy. Seemingly minor details can make or break a business.

That’s why our team are constantly researching, writing and documenting the latest changes to the law. By placing focus on writing and commentary we ensure our team and our clients stay one step ahead of the competition.

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Our Writers Guild are some of the most prolific drafters in the industry. Our Senior Associates meet once a week to research, debate and write about the major issues facing our clients and the broader sector. We believe that by researching these matters it helps to inform our team and our clients, ensuring every move we make is deeply researched and considered. These deep insights form part of our winning formula at Vincent Young.

Contact us if you would like us to present to your organisation on any of the matters in our papers.

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Recent Cases on Restrictions on Vendor’s Right to Rescind in Off the Plan Contracts Contracts
9 February, 2018

Recent Cases on Restrictions on Vendor’s Right to Rescind in Off the Plan Contracts

Sunset clauses are common in off the plan contracts or other contracts where the vendor has obligations to satisfy conditions precedent to complete (Contract). Off the plan contract means a contract for the sale of a residential lot (subject lot) that has not been created at the time that the…
Rich man, poor man – Inpecunious claimants enforcing an adjudication determination Adjudication
12 January, 2018

Rich man, poor man – Inpecunious claimants enforcing an adjudication determination

Can a respondent not pay an adjudication determination because the claimant is acting as if it were broke? An adjudication has been made against a respondent. The builder or subcontractor (the claimant) is on the brink – trading at a loss, firing staff, changing corporate structure. The respondent knows they…
Are you Guaranteeing an Indemnity? Guarantees
8 November, 2017

Are you Guaranteeing an Indemnity?

Introduction It is common for a contractor to provide an indemnity and/or a guarantee to a principal under a construction contract. However, contractors must know that the two are fundamentally different. They should not take on additional obligations/risks than what is agreed between the parties under the construction contract. For…

Deeming provisions doomed under the Building and Construction industry Security of Payment Act (1999) NSW (Act)
Changes To Fire Safety Requirements In The 2016 National Construction Codes – Could This Affect Your Project? Construction
28 August, 2017

Changes To Fire Safety Requirements In The 2016 National Construction Codes – Could This Affect Your Project?

  Following the Lacrosse Apartments fire in Melbourne, the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) began to develop a comprehensive package of fire safety measures for high rise buildings which was to be incorporated into the next version of the National Construction Code (NCC). However, following the Grenfell Tower fire in…
Changes to the Capital Gains Withholding Rules – What They Are and What They Mean To You Tax
1 August, 2017

Changes to the Capital Gains Withholding Rules – What They Are and What They Mean To You

The Federal Government has reduced the threshold at which a vendor is required to provide a Foreign Resident Capital Gains Clearance Certificate (FRCGCC) to purchasers of real property. The new rules apply to all contracts for sale with a market value over $750,000 (previously $2,000,000) entered into from 1 July…
Service by email: Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 NSW (SOP Act) Security of Payments
11 July, 2017

Service by email: Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 NSW (SOP Act)

The Electronic Transactions Legislation Amendment (Government Transactions) Act 2017 (Act) passed into law in the last week of June 2017. It amended a number of Acts including the Strata Management Scheme Act 2015 NSW delaying the commencement of the new defects bond scheme until January 2018. Email Allowed Whilst it did…
When It Comes To Delay, Don’t Wait And See – The 2nd Edition Of The SOCL Delay And Disruption Protocol Construction
25 June, 2017

When It Comes To Delay, Don’t Wait And See – The 2nd Edition Of The SOCL Delay And Disruption Protocol

  In February of this year, the Society of Construction Law (“SOCL”) published the 2nd Edition of the Delay and Disruption Protocol (“the Protocol”) – the first update to the Protocol since the release of the first edition in 2002. The Protocol is prepared for the UK market, but has…
NSW Government to impose increased stamp duty and land tax surcharges on foreign persons (including foreign owned developers) Law
21 June, 2017

NSW Government to impose increased stamp duty and land tax surcharges on foreign persons (including foreign owned developers)

The NSW Budget Statement (released on 20 June 2017) has provided further details on how the increased stamp duty and land tax surcharges will affect foreign owned developers. To recap, on 1 June 2017, the NSW Government announced its intention to increase the surcharges as such: Summary Foreign owned purchasers…
Proposed cap on foreign ownership in New Dwelling Exemption Certificates aimed at reducing pressure on housing affordability. Property
17 May, 2017

Proposed cap on foreign ownership in New Dwelling Exemption Certificates aimed at reducing pressure on housing affordability.

In the 2017-2018 Federal Budget the Government announced several changes aimed at reducing pressure on housing affordability, some of which affect foreign ownership of Australian residential property. The biggest change is the introduction of a cap on foreign ownership in new developments, through a condition on New Dwelling Exemption Certificates…
You, Me and the Garnishee Commercial
5 April, 2017

You, Me and the Garnishee

The first question clients ask when obtaining a favourable judgment is “how will we enforce this judgment against the debtor?”. The quickest and most effective way to enforce a judgment debt is to obtain a garnishee order from the Court. This article sets out the key elements of garnishee orders…
Creditors to be vigilant when using the statutory demand procedure to enforce an Adjudication Certificate Insolvency
13 March, 2017

Creditors to be vigilant when using the statutory demand procedure to enforce an Adjudication Certificate

IntroductionDuring the process of obtaining payment under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) (SOP Act), a Contractor (or Subcontractor) may, after obtaining an adjudication certificate and filing the certificate in the court of competent jurisdiction, serve a statutory demand on the Principal (or Contractor) demanding…
Adjudication determinations are not reviewable for non-jurisdictional errors of law Law
6 March, 2017

Adjudication determinations are not reviewable for non-jurisdictional errors of law

In our June 2016 issue of Construction, Property & Projects Insights (Issue 4), we discussed the first instance decision of Probuild Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Shade Systems Pty Ltd NSWSC 770, in which the Supreme Court of NSW held that adjudication determinations were subject to judicial review for non-jurisdictional…
Buyer’s Beware: Is the selling agent an agent for all purposes? – Tan v Russell [2016] VSC 93 Property
20 February, 2017

Buyer’s Beware: Is the selling agent an agent for all purposes? – Tan v Russell [2016] VSC 93

Legal IssueA recent decision in the Victorian Supreme Court examined whether the Plaintiffs, Tan and Lo, validly exercised their cooling off rights to terminate a contract for sale in circumstances where the notice was served on the vendor’s selling agent.Practical Effect of DecisionThe case illustrates the importance of knowing, prior…
High Court rules that a payment claim is invalid without a valid reference date Law
9 February, 2017

High Court rules that a payment claim is invalid without a valid reference date

IntroductionIn our November 2016 Construction, Property & Projects Insights (Issue 5), we noted that the High Court was soon to release judgment in Southern Han Breakfast Point Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) v Lewence Construction Pty Ltd HCA 52 (Southern Han Decision), which would be the first time the High Court…
Developers to be allowed to resell off-the-plan dwellings after failed sales DevelopmentProperty
21 December, 2016

Developers to be allowed to resell off-the-plan dwellings after failed sales

The Federal Government has announced its intention to pass legislation under the foreign investment framework to allow foreign buyers to purchase an off-the-plan dwelling when another foreign buyer has failed to reach settlement and the contract has been rescinded or terminated.The main legislative issue for developers is what currently constitutes…
Building Energy Efficiency Certificates (BEEC) – changes from 2017 Construction
14 December, 2016

Building Energy Efficiency Certificates (BEEC) – changes from 2017

The position regarding Building Energy Efficiency Certificates (BEEC) in Australia is in a transition phase as a result of changes to the Commercial Building Disclosure Program (CBDP), which exists under the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010. Currently, lessors are required to provide energy efficient information when they lease or…
Construction, Property & Projects Insights Issue 5 – November 2016 ConstructionProjectsProperty
1 December, 2016

Construction, Property & Projects Insights Issue 5 – November 2016

In this issue, we look at the following key developments in construction, property & projects law:Security of Payments Goes to the High CourtUnfair Contract Terms in the Construction Industry – You Need to Take ActionNew Strata Laws and Building Bond Regime Set to CommenceLoose Lips Sink Ships – Representations During…